Everything in one package
Work with popular WEB and mobile platforms using just one SDK. Everything connects automatically. Focus on the game.
All platforms in one plugin
We have connected 10+ platforms for you. Your game will work on any available platform and support popular features.
Ready-made meta mechanics
Ready to use in the game. Leaderboards, achievements, chats, daily rewards, events. Increase player retention.
Payments processing
We are more than a game backend. We are connected with the platforms. We accept and process payments through our servers.
Ready UI for mechanics
Designed and implemented overlay that only needs to be opened. We will draw leaderboards, achievements, and chats ourselves.
In-Game Advertising
Different options for advertising campaigns.
In-App Purchases
Processing payments in games. Automatic integration with platforms. Payments and subscriptions.
Ready-made Overlay
Pre-designed game windows ready to use.
Work with game and player language, detection, storage, translations.
Social Actions
Sharing, inviting friends, joining communities.
Allow the player to interact with the application.
Our SDK Features
Additional features not available in platform SDKs.
Game Platforms
We already support 10+ popular game platforms and are constantly adding interesting ones.
Game Backend
Serverless payment and subscription services, cloud player saves, leaderboards, chats, daily rewards.
Test purchases, advertising, language switching without having to deploy a build to platforms.